Well, isn't this exciting, this is my first topical Thursday, where I write about a topic, and you all battle out your opinions in the comments. let's get started! How many of you are morning people? I definitely am not, but I force myself to get out of bed every morning at 5AM, some of the time, I do not have the drive to drag myself up. so... is it worth it? NeuroTracker states that rising at the crack of dawn has several benefits, namely, a better mood, and better diet plans. It also jokes that the goal is to have lunch when the rest of the world eats breakfast. does that mean dinner is at 2 PM? I have noticed that when I jump out of bed at the sound of the alarm, there is a completely different feel to my day, there is this drive, to want to get things done, it is like a natural version of Adderall. There are always two sides to each story though, so let's explore the cons. When I wake up at 5AM, I am only getting 7 hours of slee...