Shattering and broken I crumble to the floor How much longer must I endure? Every billowing second is a suffering cry Please Lord don't forger me don't pass me by My hands empty I have nothing to give Is my life even worthy do I have reason to live? Fading into oblivion no longer can I see Please Lord take this pain from me My child so deceived there is much you don't know Your suffering isn't punishment from it you will grow I am sure we have all felt this way at some point, thus the inspiration for the poem. Amidst the suffering, it is hard to see the reason for the pain, I have felt this myself, I can think of a time right now. I decided to perform the song Peace in Christ in church, and had practiced many times, however things did not go as smooth as I had hoped they would. The day of my performance, my back began to cramp very badly, to the point I was gasping for air. This happened an hour before my musical number, and I was te...