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Showing posts from March, 2021

Peace in Christ

 Shattering and broken I crumble to the floor  How much longer must I endure?  Every billowing second is a suffering cry  Please Lord don't forger me don't pass me by  My hands empty I have nothing to give  Is my life even worthy do I have reason to live? Fading into oblivion no longer can I see  Please Lord take this pain from me My child so deceived there is much you don't know  Your suffering isn't punishment from it you will grow I am sure we have all felt this way at some point, thus the inspiration for the poem. Amidst the suffering, it is hard to see the reason for the pain, I have felt this myself, I can think of a time right now.  I decided to perform the song Peace in Christ in church, and had practiced many times, however things did not go as smooth as I had hoped they would. The day of my performance, my back began to cramp very badly, to the point I was gasping for air. This happened an hour before my musical number, and I was te...

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

  I have been away for a while, this I cannot, and will not deny, but I have come back to speak on a topic most dear to my heart, and one I know will benefit you.  At the end of D&C 4, it states, "ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened unto you." I recently was released from serving a local mission here in my hometown, and at the close of my mission, I felt impressed to kneel down to the lord, and ask him what his will was for me now.  I opened to Omni, and read the following verse. "And now my beloved bretheren, I would that ye should come unto Christ who is the holy one of Israel, and partake of his salvation and the power of his redemption. Yea come unto him and offer your whole soul."  If the Lord asked you at this moment to offer all you had to him, would you? It is a very hard question, and many of us would like to say yes, but I know I would struggle with this at times, as anyone would.  It is a natural part of humanity to put things a...