We often find ourselves chasing after what will bring us an ounce of joy. This constant search for contentment can be draining, and leave one feeling lost and unsatisfied. I myself have been a victim of this battle. I have a story that comes to mind right as I am putting this blog together. I had been wanting some new Jeans for a while, and even though I did not need them, or necessarily want them, I found myself scrolling through a website, in search of some new clothing. I bought a few pairs, and after stressing as I watched the money leave my wallet, I reflected on my careless and loose decision. What was the desire behind this hurried purchase? I did not really care to have the jeans that much, and the new additions to my wardrobe would not bring me any extra happiness, yet I still had bought them It was because I wanted to validate myself, I was not secure, and thought that I was not good enough, unless I had these stylish jeans. I had purchased ...