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How to Glow up for 2021

 2021 is right around the corner, and you all know that popular saying, new year new me!

I can guess that right about now, you are looking in the mirror, thinking, who is this strange person gazing back at me? Fear no more my friends, because I bring you,,, 

5 Secrets to Glow up for 2021

Step One,

Plan your goals for the year, I will be posting an in depth video on my YouTube cannel for this specifically, but here is a quick overview. Get a fresh notebook, and on the first page, write a list of affirmations to achieve success. After completing this, Davide your next page into 7 sections.








Those are the different categories, now fill in 2-3 goals for each section, make sure they can be achieved in a year. 

Turn the page, and write down each month on 12 different pages. now write every step it will take to reach your goals month by month, be as detailed as possible. 

Step Two,

Schedule a self care day every week. 

I have started doing this and it has really changed the way I view and take care of myself. I set aside Sunday nights to relax and get ready for the week. 

these are the things I do during this time. I start with a deep scripture study to  reflect on what I have done, and what I can improve on. I follow this with journaling, and then a relaxing bath. 

I moisturize my skin with lotion, and then apply a face and hair mask. I rest for a bit, until it is time to remove the mask. I then use my exfoliating brush to smooth my skin, and deep clean my pores. I finish off with a lip treatment I received in my Boxycharm box. 

Self care is a really good tool to improve your appearance naturally, but it is not the same as putting yourself above others, we can only begin to love others when we love ourselves. The lord said love thy neighbor as thyself, because he wants us to value both ourselves and those around us. 

Step Three, 

Plan your outfits ahead of time. This is one of my favorite things to do, I plan out my outfit for the next day right before I go to bed. When doing this you are more likely to put effort into your outfit and accessorize. It also gives you more time to do other things the next morning. 

Step Four 

Join the program 75 hard. 

75 hard is one of my favorite programs that has been going around the internet lately. It is about mind control and discipline. there are five steps to the program. 

1, Choose a diet and stick to it.

2, Work out twice a day, one workout has to be outside. 

3, Drink a gallon of water 

4,  Read 10 pages out of a non-fiction book every day.

5 Take improvement pictures to compare your progress. 

If you miss a day, you have to start the challenge all over again. The challenge lasts for 75 days. 

Step Five 

Practice Positive thinking. 

I am sure you have heard this many times, but those who view life with a cup half full are more confident, and appear more attritive to others. here are three ways to change your thinking from negative to positive. 

Every morning look in the mirror and say 6 affirmations about yourself. This also helps with manifesting. When saying these things instead of saying I wish I was beautiful say, I am beautiful, I am successful, I have such amazing hair, eyes, and smile. 

Write down three things you are grateful for every day. Gratitude has been linked to happiness and confidence, it helps you see all the things good in your life. 

Listen to a positive happy playlist while you are getting ready in the morning This will get in in the right mood right when you wake up.

Those are my five tips for a perfect 2021 glow up. This year has messed with our lives in many ways, lets change that, and make 2021 the best year yet! 


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