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We all Should Take Time to Reflect

Sometimes I wish there was an off switch for our brains, when we wanted that little voice in the back of our heads to just shut up! 

I cannot even count on one hand the amount of times I have tossed and turned at night, while my mind ran on and on like a tape recorder, do this, don't forget that. It can get exhausting after a while. 

I found myself going through that cycle one night, I had been stressing about my appearance, I had found myself doing that a lot those past few weeks. 

I just need to fix my skin! 

I cannot wait to lighten my hair! 

I am not tan enough! 

I will be more happy when I have the perfect body. 

Amongst all the noise, I heard a voice, it was different from the other thoughts going through my head. 

"These things are not important to God, his judgement should be the only one you worry about, dwell not on these things any longer." 

It is okay to care about how one looks, but if that is the only thing that plagues a persons thoughts, then the Lord is not their first desire. We often can get caught up in the stresses of day to day life, and often forget to spend time reflecting with the most important person in our lives. His voice may be the softest, but it is the only one which will always speak truth. 

What do you do to hear Gods voice in your life? I would love to hear what you have to say in the comments. 


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