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Do This, and you are 10 Times more Likely to Achieve Your Goals!

 What is the blockage between you and achieving your goals? For several years, I have been learning the best ways to increase the likelihood of making my goals a reality. 

I am here to bring you the three secrets that changed the game for me. 

If you follow these 3 tips, it will change your life, always remember you are in control of you own future, and nobody else can take that from you. 

1, Plan out your goals for the week, and break them down into daily steps. 

This is the most important thing I can tell you, and it has helped me to get things done for myself. Our brains are wired to not want change, and they will come up with every excuse in the world. If you plan out your goals, and know exactly what you need to do every day for that goal, then it increases you chances significantly. 

2, Wake up early

I know many will not want to hear this, but this is the second most important thing I can say. There are so many benefits to rising before the sun, but it is not really about the act of getting up, but the mindset. When a person wakes up early, they have already beaten the first battle with their brain, and it will be much easier to win the rest. 

3, do not set to many goals at a time. 

I  used to be one who would have about ten goals in the same category, and for so many years, I would write them down, but I would never carry them out. 

Instead, you should make six categories, for me they are career, hobby, education, lifestyle, spiritual, and Social.  After you have created these categories, put one goal into each section, detail it out by week, and then break it down into steps for each day. Once you have achieved this goal, you get the excitement of checking it off, and you can then write a new goal in that category and start on that one. 

Success is only a matter of planning, you get the same energy you put out into the world, so my friend, this is your sign to start making the changes you wish to see in your life. 


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