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The Truth About Self Doubt


The Truth About Self Doubt

what one LDS woman believes 

I am a perfectionist, it is a blessing and a curse. With this trait there comes motivation, but also the never-

ending longing to be perfect, and no matter how hard I try, I am never satisficed. We all struggle with self

 worth to a degree, some more then others, but we as people have one thing in common, fear. 

For a great period of my life, I questioned, what might cause us to fall into these pits of self doubt, and

 how come sometimes they are so deceitful. One simple answer has always waved through my brain, it

 might be simple on the surface, but within, it is much deeper. Fear, that is the broad answer, our terror of

 failure is rooted far more then we ever realized.  This is when one must remember that faith and fear

 cannot exist together. If I was perfect, I would not need the help of God, it is okay to make mistakes,

 without them, we could not grow. 

Satin knows this, he despises it. He hates that we have agency, and a body, that will one day be made

 immortal; Because he does not have a body, of flesh and bone, he has made it his goal to make us detest

 ours. He tries to take away our freedom by crippling us with fear, that we are not good enough, and our

 bodies as well as our spirits are worthless. 

These anxiety's make us think that we do not deserve to be in the presence of God, or even pray to him.

 Never, has this been true, countless times Christ has said to find the lost sheep, those that have strayed

 away from the flock, weather that be mentality, or physically. He rejoices in the return of one of his

 lost children. 

Amidst a trial, within the storm of doubt, turn to him, Christ will help you see yourself as you truly are

, he will not tell you lies as Satin does, he knows your worth; it is only a matter of time, that you will

 know it too. 


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