2021 is right around the corner, and you all know that popular saying, new year new me! I can guess that right about now, you are looking in the mirror, thinking, who is this strange person gazing back at me? Fear no more my friends, because I bring you,,, 5 Secrets to Glow up for 2021 Step One, Plan your goals for the year, I will be posting an in depth video on my YouTube cannel for this specifically, but here is a quick overview. Get a fresh notebook, and on the first page, write a list of affirmations to achieve success. After completing this, Davide your next page into 7 sections. Hobby Career education physical lifestyle social spiritual Those are the different categories, now fill in 2-3 goals for each section, make sure they can be achieved in a year. Turn the page, and write down each month on 12 different pages. now write every step it will take to reach your goals month by month, be as detailed as possible. Step Two, Sche...