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Showing posts from April, 2021

5 Scientific Ways to be Instantly More Attractive

                                      5 Scientific Ways to be Instantly More Attractiv e By Sarah Taylor  What if I told YOU, that you could improve your appearance in a matter of minutes? This statement sounds too good to be true doesn't it! It must be your lucky day, because I am telling the complete truth, and nothing but the truth.  With these 5 secrets, you will attract the person of your dreams faster than you can say magic.  Stick around for number 5, because it is a life changer. These tips can work for anyone, so take advantage of them, and you will be the center of attention. We better dive right in before your excitement gets too high, shouldn't we.  1 , Whiten your teeth One of the most eye catching things on a person is a fresh pair of pearly whites. Whitening your teeth increases the look of your smile, and alleviates your appearance instantly. You can do this...

If You are Prepared You Need Not Fear

 If You are Prepared You Need Not Fear  Every morning my alarm rings through the still morning air at promptly 4:30 AM, after my brain surfaces  a millions excuses, I faunally roll out of bed. I have made this decision, because I want to show  the Lord that I am making an effort to read his scriptures before I head to the gym at 5.  Today, Come Follow Me, a scripture study program, made by The Church Of Jesus Christ left me feeling  grateful and at peace.  Christ promised the saints, and he promises us that if we are prepared we need not  fear for the future.  Many times I have found myself stressing, about what I know is sure to come, life is  not easy, and things are so unknown. I have had my fair share of tribulations, and I know many of my  readers have as well, amidst a storm it is hard to see that there is light at the end of the tunn                       What if the...

Manifestation Through Jesus Christ

  Manifestation Through Jesus Christ   I am a strong believer that our thoughts create our reality, and whatever energy we put out is received into  our lives once again. Every morning when I wake up, I say affirmations in the mirror, because with all the  negativity going around, we need to remind our brains that we are enough, and Christ takes as from where  we are and can life us up.  Manifesting is a strong tool, and I truly believe it works, but there is a piece that is missing, something that  could take our power to the next level, we are leaving one person out. When we think we are the only  ones in control of our future, we are missing the point.  Manifesting through Christ is one of the most amazing tools we have, when we include him in our  decisions, and let him lead our lives, he will shower us with blessings and make our reality far greater  then we could have ever imagined.  A person might ask how do I go about d...

Do This, and you are 10 Times more Likely to Achieve Your Goals!

 What is the blockage between you and achieving your goals? For several years, I have been learning the best ways to increase the likelihood of making my goals a reality.  I am here to bring you the three secrets that changed the game for me.  If you follow these 3 tips, it will change your life, always remember you are in control of you own future, and nobody else can take that from you.  1, Plan out your goals for the week, and break them down into daily steps.  This is the most important thing I can tell you, and it has helped me to get things done for myself. Our brains are wired to not want change, and they will come up with every excuse in the world. If you plan out your goals, and know exactly what you need to do every day for that goal, then it increases you chances significantly.  2, Wake up early I know many will not want to hear this, but this is the second most important thing I can say. There are so many benefits to rising before the sun, but i...

Women of God

Women of God  What makes a woman powerful? Many have asked this question, and there have been a  spectrum of answers. One might say her beauty, or determination. Another might respond  that it is her confidence. These are all great attributes, however, they are all fleeting if the  woman does not have this one single characteristic. This quality is not obtained through her  looks, or the people she comes into contact with. It is something few women have, but  something that everyone can feel, it shines like a light in the darkness. It can lift up these  qualities, and make them eternal.  This power is her identity, the sureness of herself, not through her achievements, but through  a person who knows of her true value, a person that suffered every pain just for this single  woman. This person is Christ. Christ gives us true confidence, love and virtue, because he sees  us as we truly are. He removes all the doubts in our minds, the ...